The unique characteristic of a repetitive processes is a series of sweeps, termed passes, through a set of dynamics defined over
a finite duration. On each pass an output, termed the pass profile is produced which acts as on forcing function, and hence contributes to, the
dynamics of the next pass profile. This leads to the possibility that the output, i.e. the sequence of pass profiles, will contain oscillations that
increase in amplitude in the pass-to-pass direction. Such behavior cannot be controlled by application of standard linear systems control laws
and instead they must be treated as two-dimensional (2D) systems where information propagation in two independent directions, termed pass-
to-pass and along the pass respectively, is the defining feature. Physical examples of such processes include long-wall coal cutting and metal
rolling. In this paper, stability analysis and control law design algorithms are developed for discrete linear repetitive processes where a plane,
or rectangle, of information is propagated in the pass-to-pass direction. The possible use of such a model in the control of distributed parameter
systems has been investigated in previous work and this paper considers an extension to allow for uncertainty in the model description.